Monday 29 September 2014

A Very Short Article On Being Nice

Everyone is nice......

Everyone is nice but at different levels. I came to understand this fact when a "friend" did the "nicest" thing to me. I had always thought she doesn't care or that she's a loner.

Most times we tag people as cruel because we don't understand that we all have different "nice-yness" level.

Just because someone can't/wont do it the way you would have done it doesn't mean you are nicer than they are and vice versa.

Our nice-yness" levels are different. If a stranger walks up to me and asks for direction to some place that I happen to work, I might go as far as taking him there myself... You may not. But that doesn't mean I am Nicer than you are. We are just operating at different "nice-yness" level.

Our different "nice-yness" levels can be influenced by

Past experiences





Geographical area.

The most important thing is to understand that everyone is nice and no one is nicer. I am ME and YOU are YOU.

We all operate at different levels of "nice-yness". Do not use your own level of "nice-yness" as a yardstick to judge others... Respect them instead.

 Sadiq Daniel is a certified crazy writer and Teens Coach that blogs on business, Self- development and Life lessons. He is currently working on his latest book: Everyone Thinks I’m Crazy, Slated to be out by February 2015. You can pursue him on Twitter: @sadiqspeaks LinkedIn: Sadiq Daniel and Email:

Which Is More Important To A Writer?

Which is more important to a writer?

Linking words or the content?

Paying attention to clichés, paragraphs, putting comas and full stops where they need to be in an article matters a lot as it saves the reader a lot of stress.
But still, if the content of the article isn't of any benefit to the reader, the article is shit.

Keywords or the content?

There is no point writing an article when you are not going to publish it. And publishing nowadays doesn't guarantee that it is going to be read if you don't market it. You might have heard a lot from pastors SEOs and Gurus on blogging about how key words can put your article in the spotlight. So you bombard your article with keywords that the whole idea no longer makes sense. So all you get is traffic and not an audience for your article...

Design or Content?

Many of us go bananas when it comes to templates, widgets, and the lay out of our blog. We spend so much time fixing this and fixing that... We tend to forget that the building is not as important as those living in it. So we write crazy codes, and do crazy programming for our blogs.....

We might go on and on and on, comparing everything, putting them side by side. They all have their benefits, but there is nothing as important as the CONTENT.
This should be the goal of every writer>>>Focus on the message you want to pass across first before any other thing.

Invest more time on making your content better... It will make you a better writer

Sadiq Daniel is a cerified crazy writer and Teens Coach that blogs on business, Self- development and life. He is currently working on his latest book: Everyone Thinks I’m Crazy, Slated to be out by February 2015. You can pursue him on Twitter: @sadiqspeaks LinkedIn: Sadiq Daniel and Email: